v6.0 [Aug 11, 2011]
Added the Circular Diagram, List and Process types in the Business Diagram Library.
Added the Windows UI Design type in the Software Library.
Added the Matrix type in the Project Management Library.
Added the guideline for Left Align, Right Align and Equal Interval while moving the shapes.
Provided the new White Theme as the default Edraw 6 theme.
Added the Mechanics, Optics, Chemistry Equation, Laboratory Equipment, Molecular Model, Mathematics types in the Science Library.
fix bug Improved the Symbols in the Mind Map Library.
fix bug Improved the Background, Arrow, Basic Drawing Shapes, Borders types in the General Library.
fix bug Support the hyperlink function while exporting to the PDF Format.
Added more examples and symbols.
Added the quick color bar in the bottom of the document.
v4.6 [Mar 21, 2009]
- Added the ORM diagram in the Edraw UML Diagram.
- Faster text drawing speed and blur shadow render speed.
- Avoided the window flicker when switch among the different galleries.
- Improved the EMF and WMF image render quality.
- Improved the SVG export quality.
- Fixed the bug which the text style can't get it back via Undo action when text style once been set.
- Fixed the bug which adds the unnecessary shape while closing the context menu.
- Improved the Text Format Preview function.
v3.3 [Apr 21, 2009]
Add gallery support and improve tooltips